Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The TSA wants to know everything about you...

... and airlines are complying. Heck, even the "libertarian" Reason Magazine appear to be supporting this. What ever happened to the idea that we should be able to travel freely from state to state? I predict that if the trusted traveler program takes off this time (it failed before) that at first it will indeed be voluntary. But, soon enough, all travelers will have to undergo a full background check before being allowed to fly. Also, keep in mind the TSA's functioning definition of voluntary: Scans are "voluntary." The choices are
  1. scan
  2. aggressive custodial search (aka, pat-down)
  3. fines and/or imprisonment
Remember that just two years ago, you didn't have to give the airline your date of birth when you bought your tickets. Your birthday is one of the things that identity thieves can use to cause you harm, but Americans just rolled over and started giving their entire family's birthdays to the airlines so it could be handed over to the TSA to "protect" us.

This trusted traveler idea a bad, bad thing. It sounds efficient, effective and common-sense. But you have to remember you are dealing with a rogue agency. More TSA power is the last thing to wish for.


  1. Very good point; I'm boycotting flying until the TSA leaves the airports (a person can hope, right?), but would never provide all that info, even for a quicker hike to a plane. Experience has shown that you give an inch, they'll take a mile, and there's no reason to believe the TSA will behave any differently.

  2. @Anon #2 - I'll have a post up this afternoon addressing your point!

  3. I'm really angry over all of this groping and scanning. I love to travel, but haven't traveled since they started this new version of security theater. I feel like a prisoner in my own country.

    And to the first annonymous-- you're being brainwashed into complying through fear. These invasive scans and pat downs won't find all bombs.. and guess what? There could be a bomb in your mall, in your school, in the street. Do you propose to be scanned and groped every time you step out your front door?!!!

  4. The solution is that EVERYONE on the plane carries a gun. Then if "Achmed Aboodabad and his bomb-vest take over the plane" he'll be filled with lead. Of course, that will never happen if everyone has a gun. They'll find an easier target.

  5. I don't give anyone my SSN. I've been lied to too many times. I've been denied even emergency medical care over it - no longer allowed to pay cash. My choice my price. Even volunteer agencies seem to think they are entitled to rob me of my identity before I'm "safe enough" to volunteer. I won't fly commercial again - until all passengers have firearms, and TSA is disbanded.
