Monday, July 4, 2011

Neocon solutions

Jonah Goldberg had an op-ed last week on the TSA. As with all commentary from the right on this matter (now that a Democrat is in the White House), it started off sound, building off the outrage over the grandmother-diaper incident. But - again, consistent with commentary from the right these days - it devolved into silly nonsense about how if only the TSA would institute the correct policies, none of this would happen.

Never overestimate what level government bureaucrats (or their gangs of hired thugs) can sink to. If the neocons had their way, we would still see old women and young children being abused, but they wouldn't be white.

The point here is that everyone - American or not, white or not - has an inalienable right to be secure in their persons and possessions. This right can only be breached in the American system through due process - meaning that a government agent has to get a judge to sign a warrant for the search after being presented with evidence of probably cause for suspicion of a specific crime.

Today is our Independence Day, and it would do us well to remember that one of the grievances listed in the VA Declaration of Rights (a model document for Jefferson in drafting the Declaration of Independence) was:
That general warrants, whereby any officer or messenger may be commanded to search suspected places without evidence of a fact committed, or to seize any person or persons not named, or whose offense is not particularly described and supported by evidence, are grievous and oppressive and ought not to be granted.
And, furthermore,
On the night before the Declaration of Independence was published, JOHN ADAMS cited the "argument concerning the Writs of Assistance … as the commencement of the controversy between Great Britain and America."
Clearly our American (and English law) heritage holds the TSA in contempt. Perhaps, one day, both the mainstream left and right will realize this.

1 comment:

  1. The higher-ups in America these days are all about paranoia and cowardice. When they were young, most if not all of them avoided military service. As old men holding the reins of power, they force courageous young men and women who sign up because the economy is bad to do their bidding in the Middle East. Some defect or desert or become conscientious objectors, but most follow orders as they want to see their families eat and no one at the top would back them up. The cheaters and liars that run things tell us we need the Drug War and that some day we will cut off the supply of drugs, when wise old men and women that remember Prohibition would tell us otherwise. Things get worse and worse, the neoconservatives tell us that children need to be frisked because of the threat of terrorism, and none of the higher ups stick their necks out for anyone. The sleazy defense contractors make a fortune selling their war machines and airport x-ray machines, and the neoconservative news channels hype up the threat of terrorism to keep everyone compliant and afraid. In the meantime, on the foreign news programs, positive stories about athletes, beautiful entertainers, farmers, medical breakthroughs, education initiatives and social justice are fed to the population as opposed to the American news diet of non-stop war, fighting about abortion, talking about religion and the importance of 'God,' why the Cuba embargo is justified and why the American worker is lazy even though he or she goes into the coal mines, construction sites, farms, sewers and military helicopters just like everyone else.
