Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ready for the job

A Ghanaian politician who lost the last presidential election in a run-off recently offended airport security workers when he refused to be humiliated and invaded by their security procedures. Sounds like he's ready for office! When's the last time Obama or W submitted to the TSA's scan-n-grope?


  1. Couldn't send directly so putting this comment here. I'm sure you've been sent this but just in case:

    Keep up the excellent work.

  2. Thanks, Negocios.

    Can you let me know what the problem was with getting ahold of us? Did you try the Contact Us page?

  3. On your Contact Us screen I entered a message and clicked send and this is what appeared. I can send you the screen shot if you want to email me at I just tried it again and it failed. It might be a Firefox problem.

    An internal error occurred: 4B1F026F841D0.A898912.5E9D

    Incorrect code entered

  4. I see it too on Chrome and am working on fixing it. Thanks for letting me know!
