Sunday, December 26, 2010

US Air: pretending I'm a satisfied customer

I recently received these two letters from US Air. So, they've now responded to my third and fourth letters, but, as you can see, they have ignored my request for further accommodations for my trip.

In the meantime, my roundabout trip to avoid the scanners was extremely inconvenient. My husband says the millimeter wave scanners were indeed in use at BWI, but he, himself, avoided a scan or custody search.

USAir Response 3

USAir Response 4


  1. Just curious: You said your husband avoided the BWI scanners. Did he "opt out," or was he just directed elsewhere?
    BTW, as one for whom the TSA warrentless searches have always been a serious issue, it's sad, though predictable, to see how the "reasonable" the pre-scanner searches now seem for many -- present company excluded, of course.

  2. I don't think 100% of the travellers are scanned or patted-down. If you passed the initial metal detector check, and if agents are busy with pat-downs and body scanners are full or occupied, you're likely to proceed to your gate w/o further checks.

  3. @Jeff - My husband was not selected for the scanner. He said two or three were scanned while he was paying attention during his own passage through security.

    @Anon - Yes, although these were early on put forward as an efficient method to scan every passenger, TSA has only been employing random scanning. It's unclear to me whether this is because they can't get that many people through, or if there's some other reason. The physical searches are currently only used if you set off the metal detector or have an anomalous scan.
