Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Our fear has gone way too far

I received a request from these boys' mother to share photos of her sons being treated like suspects in a dangerous crime. Of course, this happened at the airport (there are more if you click through to the link):

The boys are 15 and 16 years old, respectively. They did not want their mother to make a scene, but she refused to let them get irradiated in a scanner and compromised by requesting a private screening and snapping photos of the process. She tells me she is infuriated when she looks at the pictures - as well she should be!


  1. This is called slavery.

  2. Getting paid to "just follow orders". CIA interrogators did the same thing and found out the hard way. Waiving money at people that take orders from superiors and just doing a "good" job, will no longer suffice.

  3. Our fear has gone too far

    It has NOTHING to do with fear and EVERYTHING to do with control.

  4. MARK EDWARD MARCHIAFAVAJune 7, 2011 at 9:11 AM


  5. We are doing this for your safety, as the terrorists hate your freedom. The less freedom you have, the less they will hate you, and the safer you will be.

    George W. Obama III (aka The State)

  6. MARK EDWARD MARCHIAFAVAJune 7, 2011 at 10:28 AM

    Sooooo, Sommer Gentry, does that mean you will no longer fly starting today? After all, you DID state you'd stop at nothing.

  7. If you don't hate your government, then you don't love your life.

    Fortunately, there is a weapon more powerful than a Nuclear Bomb, and it's called the Debt Bomb. The best news of all: the US government is about to detonate its own Debt Bomb right in its lap, and we won't be able to stop it even if we wanted to.



    Kiss that empire and its alphabet soup of bureaucracies goodbye.

  8. @Mark Edward -
    You'd better believe I've quit flying. Those sickening molesters are never going to force me into non-consensual sexual contact. My body is my own! I used to be a frequent flyer; I flew 50 flights per year before the genital inspections started in November 2010. I fought for and got refunds on all the flights I had already purchased, and now I travel on Amtrak or I drive or I don't go. I also write letters, fund lawsuits and anti-TSA organizations, attend rallies, and encourage my friends and family to register their objections. Fight!

  9. @Sommer - Would you care to share some of those letters? (You can use the contact form at left to respond.)

  10. mark edward marchiafavaJune 8, 2011 at 4:47 AM

    Glad to hear SOMEONE other than myself understands the quickest way to end this atrocity is to simply QUIT FLYING.

  11. I have very little choice of flying this year unless I wish to lose my job. While I cannot opt out of flying this year, I can make their job miseable and expose them a little bit. OpenWatch has a great covert recroding sofftware that streams to a server for keeping the record in case of destroyed phone. I will be wearing a cup and this T-Shirt http://www.zazzle.com/tsa_parody_customizable_shirt-235563828656837647.

    I just hope I can get these thugs on tape saying that I need to remove my cup and they need to feel my testicles before I can get on the plane, even though a cup is not on the banned list of items for the TSA.

    I would bet that would wake up a couple more sleepers out there regarding the TSA.

  12. The only way to fight this is to force all Congresscritters to be subjected to bodyscanning-or-groping. When they all get the same treatment we ordinary citizens receive, we'll see the end of this horrible practice.
